Satellite event

Host a satellite meeting in connection with the Agri Food & Climate Circle 2025 

Are you planning to host a networking meeting, steering group meeting, project group meeting, symposium, or similar event in October 2025? Consider hosting your meeting in Copenhagen, allowing you and your participants to also attend the Agri Food & Climate Circle 2025 organised by SEGES Innovation. 

Opportunities for satellite meetings 
If you are planning a relevant meeting around the time of the climate conference, consider booking a meeting room at Crowne Plaza. It’s a great idea to do this now so you can invite your participants and ensure they can register for the conference before the early bird deadline. 

If you are interested in hosting a satellite meeting, please contact Lars Skroeder at Crowne Plaza at
+45 8877 6695 or

Please provide the date, time (from/to), number of participants, AV equipment needs, and any catering requests. You will be responsible for the costs associated with the meeting. 

If you know of a company that might be interested in sponsoring the conference and branding their products to international food producers and the development and research community, 
Read more here

More information 
If you have any questions about the Agri Food & Climate Circle, please reach out to us at